LinkedIn is becoming China's go-to platform for recruiting foreign spies
By: Jeff Stone
Link to the article that is referenced:
The advent of social media connected people like never before. As usual, criminals, nation-state competitors, foreign intelligence services and propaganda machines were early adopters of the technology and the potential for information gathering and misuse of information exploded.
LinkedIn provided a niche for professionals to connect and also became a recruiting platform for companies. Well, as this article shows, it also became a spotting, assessing and recruiting platform for adversarial intelligence services also. The best way to protect yourself is to follow the simple rules of social media usage. Before accepting ANY invite, look at the profile and do some research outside of the social media platform. It is easy to deceive on social media.
As for M20 Associates, we will always list our recruiters on our pages. Our practices are that somebody from the senior leadership of the company or a designated recruiter will be the only ones to contact anybody regarding resumes or invitations. A simple check of our pages will help protect yourself, as we try to do the same by being responsible users of the platforms.